
Photography guidelines

We wouldn’t dream of telling you what your Picture of Health should look like. However, we’ve compiled a few useful tips and some inspiration on how to enter your image into our online gallery and competition:

  1. Share the joy of health - from special times with family, to life-affirming moments in nature, to celebrations of personal triumph
  2. It’s about the moments you capture, not the camera you use - snap a shot with your smartphone, upload an image from your camera roll or scan and share a photograph you love
  3. No filter needed - all images should ideally be unfiltered and in colour rather than black and white
  4. Quality control - however you choose to share your photo, please make sure that any subjects are in focus and the lighting is good for your Picture of Health to be visible to all

Before uploading, please also make sure:

  • You have consent from anyone featured in your photo.
  • The photo is owned by you or you have permission to use it.
  • Your image is saved as RGB, 72dpi, png or jpeg format.
  • The image file size is 10MB or under.
  • Your image fits within one of the following aspect ratio:
    1:1 / 3:4 / 4:3 / 9:16 / 16:9